Incident history means a set of data with all details of an incident, documenting the history of the incident from occurrence to resolution, including original report, investigation, conclusions, remediation, verification of completion of remediation, and assessment of the resilience of improvements achieved.
Step-by-step process on “view history and in-depth analysis on incident’s” in Zsuite, Quick and Easy with this video.
Here you can find the details of all the previous incidents.

Viewing an Incident History:
Click on the Incident Id to view the respective incident details like Incident title, Incident type, Launched by, Launched date and time, Last updated Date and Time, Target recipients.

Incident view include details of broadcast settings, incident phases and operator notes.

Incident Management can have multiple phases like Reduction, Response, Relocation, Recovery, Resumption, Restoration, Returning to Normal.
In incident phases you can see when the incident is created, when the notification has started, when the notification response was confirmed and when the incident got completed.